13 Days Of Yoga: Hello, Pranayama! -


Pranayama is the control of prana through the breath.

"Prana' refers to the universal life force and 'ayama' means to lengthen. It is the vital energy needed by our physical and subtle layers, without which the body would perish. It is what keeps us alive. 

The Universal Life Force

I’m a total yoga newbie. It wasn’t until my 13th Day of Yoga for Endurance & Ease, that Pranayama said, “Hello!”.  

It seized me in the best possible way from a lunge down on the matt. “Hi! “, it said. “I’m here for you.” I rolled up into Mountain Pose effortlessly, and embraced it. Nice to finally meet you.

The Vital Energy 

As a ballet dancer, I vividly remember the moment it first clicked. 

On the Ballet Philippines’ dance floor, from across the corner of the room, I began the usual series of Glissade, Grand Jete, and Turns. In the middle of it all, I allowed myself to let go, and it all fell into place.

What Keeps Us Alive

Maybe it was muscle memory, or perhaps pranayama, that moved me during both times. I felt guided, with no need for active control. It told me what to do, and where to go. I felt so much space within me--easily filled with possibilities and joy.

How is your experience with Pranayama? Don’t hesitate to share your comments or stories below! I'd love to hear it.

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