So, You Want To Be An Apparel Graphic Designer?


Do t-shirts displaying your own designs haunt your dreams? Opening your own shop is not as far out as you think as Adidas NEO Apparel designer, Aj Dimarucot, shares in his talk for Graphika Manila in the SMX Mall of Asia last Feb 1 2015. 

Whether you want to be a freelance apparel designer, or own a studio where you can be the boss, tell five people what to do, and watch Youtube videos all day, keep reading for a few tips on becoming an apparel graphic designer.

Design Your Life

Don't wait for an opening at your dream company, or for an agent to approach you to present your designs. Keep doing what you love, and you'll be acknowledged for it. Eventually, you'll find clients who appreciate your work, and you'll be able to continue doing what you love.

Get Your Work Out There

Self-promote, and get your work out there. There are various online platforms that allow you to post your work for free, such as DeviantART and Behance. "Nike found me there [Behance].", says AJ.

Create a Presence on Social Media

Create a presence on social media, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and others. Show off your portfolio. Let others in on your creative process and appreciate your art. One day the right people will find you. You'll also be able to establish a following for when you finally open up shop and make your shirt designs available. 

Finally, don't give up and keep going. Pretty soon, your shirts will have them lining up around the block.

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