10 Travel Bucket List Places to See (Before they’re Gone)


One day soon, these fairytale-like destinations will cease to exist, becoming a thing of the past, gathering dust in a faraway bookshelf beside tales of Atlantis. Presently, booking tickets to the 10 travel bucket list places below remains a real-world possibility. Before they totally disappear off the map, learn how much time you have left to traverse the smallest, lowest, greatest, most historical, grizzliest, iciest, greenest, and saltiest places on Earth. 

 Under threat 1: The Galapagos Islands

10 Travel Bucket List Places to Visit

This isolated island is under threat as the state of its ecosystem is on the decline. Main threats include governance issues, illegal fishing, and the introduction of new species like rats. Nearly 9,000 diverse wildlife call the island and surrounding sparkling waters home. (The Galapagos Marine Reserve is abundant with life, from corals to sharks, penguins, and other marine mammals.)  A huge chunk of the reptiles, including giant tortoises and land iguanas, exist only in these young oceanic islands. Threat: Tourism. Time remaining: Unknown.

Under threat 2: The Maldives

The smallest Asian country, with the bluest waters, is also the world’s lowest nation. At no more than 1m above sea level, the Maldives could become uninhabitable within a hundred years! The president has officially announced that the government intends to buy land in other countries, like India, for displaced citizens. Threat: Sinking. Time remaining: Less than a hundred years.

Under threat 3: Great Barrier Reef

This living organism is larger than The Great Wall of China and is the only thing on Earth visible from space. The reef is a vast 200 km stretch of colorful corals along the Queensland seaboard, creating one of the most stunning diving landscapes imaginable. With rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, water pollution, and cyclones, the Great Barrier reef is under threat of being destroyed by mass coral bleaching. Threat: Mass coral bleaching. Time remaining: Less than a hundred years.

Under threat 4: Venice

The setting of the latest Dan Brown novel Inferno and Assassins Creed 2, is a historic city of artistic triumphs, glorious venetian architecture, and marble palaces built on a lagoon. Enjoy secret passages, the world-famous Carnevale, or a Venetian meal with seafood you won’t find elsewhere. (Pair it with canal side views at a bistro and a toast of Venetto’s signature bubbly, prosecco.)  Venice has long been sinking, but quickly rising sea levels has expedited the process. Tourism is another factor with visitors almost 40 times the size of its population. Threat: Sinking and tourism. Time remaining: Less than 70 years.

Under threat 5: The Dead Sea


The world’s saltiest sea is shrinking, and it has already shrunken by a third in the last forty years. The main and only source of the salty lake is the Jordan River, and with the increasing use of its waters by surrounding countries, less water reaches The Dead Sea every year. Its natural beauty is breathtaking, drenched in history with filtered sunrays, modern minerals and oils that pamper every inch of your body. Threat: Shrinking. Time remaining: Less than 50 years. 

Under threat 6: The Alps 


Alpine glaciers in Europe have already lost 20% of their size since the ‘80s. Before the ice is completely lost, make sure to explore the colossal peaks set against the cobalt-blue skies, graceful glaciers, crystal rivers, sapphire lakes, and mountain passes either on foot, by bicycle, kayak or car. See Threat: Global warming. Time remaining: 40 years.

Under threat 7: Madagascar


The world’s 4th largest island has a forest ecosystem inhabited by unique creatures such as lemurs and baobabs, with 80% of flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth. It’s the dream destination for outdoor folk and nature lovers with a myriad of activities and things to do: Rainforest, beaches, trekking, and diving. Half the fun is getting there. However, logging, poaching, and burning for subsistence farms are threatening the ecosystem. Threat: Deforestation. Time remaining: Less than 35 years.

Under threat 8: The Congo Basin


Track the last wild gorillas of the Congo in the world’s 2nd largest rainforest after the Amazon. Ten million acres of its natural habitat are degraded yearly by illegal logging, guerilla warfare, ranching, farming, and mining. The UN claims that two-thirds of its forest and unique inhabitants will be lost by 2040. Threat: Loss of the tropical forest. Time remaining: Less than 25 years.

Under threat 9: Glacier National Park


Situated in the US state of Montana is one of the world’s greatest natural wonders where grizzly bears still roam in abundance. The park’s management keeps it both accessible and authentically wild. Choose your moment for splendid isolation, trail runs or walks, and it is yours for the taking down the Going-to-the-Sun Road. Few of the world’s national parks are as magnificent and immaculate as Glacier. Threat: Ice loss. Time remaining: Less than 20 years.

Under threat 10: Taj Mahal


Emperor Shah Jahan had the Taj Mahal built as a memorial and embodiment of his love for his third wife. He was so enamored by its beauty that he once said; it made the “sun and moon shed tears from their eyes.” Get a once-in-a-lifetime glimpse of this “teardrop on the cheek of eternity” before tourism officials decide to close the 17th century landmark to the crowd. Air pollution and the public continue to contribute to the degradation of the white stone façade. In five years, you might have to enjoy the immaculate domed symmetry from afar. Threat: Closing to the public. Expected time remaining: 5 years.

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