How To: Prepare For a Summer Solo Trip


You'd be surprised at how much you learn traveling solo. (Some even describe it as an almost religious experience.) So, open your hearts and mind to fully experience what this great planet has to offer. Let the sunshine in, breathe in the fresh air, and tread on exciting, new paths. Learn how to travel solo.

Relaxation or Exploration?

The first thing you need to figure out in planning your destination is whether you want to explore or relax. If you're idea of a vacation is a good book by the beach with a cold drink in hand, an all-inclusive resort along a sprawling beach might be your thing. If exploration is on your mind, a hotel in the city would be better. Do a ton of research beforehand on places you'd like to visit, choose an initial direction, and keep your eyes open. You may have a plan in place but allow yourself to be open to change at any moment. That's the beauty of solo travel. 

Do Your Research

The internet makes doing your travel homework so much easier. It has really changed the way we travel, but be careful when browsing official websites. They usually showcase the prettiest photos and best reviews to advertise their destination. For the lowdown, visit travel forums like TripAdvisor. They offer in-depth and unbiased information and advise from travelers, like yourself.

Stay Connected

Throughout your travels, make sure you keep in touch with family and friends. Unless you have a GPS on you, informing others where you're located, it's best that others now your exact location in case you get lost or any other emergency.

Blend In: Pack As Light as Possible 

Keep it light. Don't be overburdened by your baggage. You probably only need two pairs of shoes, anyway. There's nothing like striding into a place, with nothing but a weekender bag. With that burden-free confident gait, and assuming you've done your research, you'll be able to blend in more and transform yourself into a relaxed traveller, instead of an outsider looking in.

When you travel with a partner or friends, you usually stick to that group familiar faces. You miss out on time for introspection, relaxation, self-discovery, as well as deep and fulfilling interactions with the wonderful people you meet along the way. Once you're out alone, you become that much more enthusiastic about meeting people, teaming up with new travel buddies, and reaching out more. You may even fall in love.

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