How To: Start Animating for Walt Disney Studios


You don't know what you want. You're stuck in a job you hate, flipping burgers in a fastfood joint. You're still figuring out what you want to do. Your parents are starting to worry. Don't cry. Graphika Manila 2015 speaker and Walt Disney Animator, Benson Shum from Burbank California, shares how he began his epic journey rolling burritos.

 Everybody Starts Somewhere

 Benson Shum failed his first college exam. He rolled burritos for a year, and his parents started wondering if he was ever going to college. He applied once more, and this time got accepted. 

 Jump at Opportunities 

It is the unknown we fear...nothing more.
                                    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Quote by Albus Dumbledore

He began his professional life at Atomic Cartoons, animating direct web shows, and more. When an opportunity came up to work at a game studio all the way in London, he packed his bags to see the world. While in London, he ended up working on the 4th Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Keep At It, Build a Portfolio

His applications at Disney were rejected twenty times (20x). Meanwhile, he was able to score some sweet deals working on The Smurfs, Hotel Transylvania, Dinosaur, Night at the Museum, and others.

Enter the The Hat Building

Finally, Disney saw something. He joined their animation team, and began working in the Roy E. Disney Animation Building, or as they fondly call it, “The Hat Building,” shaped like the giant wizard hat worn by Mickey Mouse in Fantasia, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. 

Now, he gets to work beside his animation heroes on projects such as Wreck it Ralph, Frozen, and Big Hero 6. He says “It’s really nice to walk by, say hi, and say something really stupid to them because you’re so nervous.”

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